The following information is designed to help you prevent your dog from having a problem or getting sick; it is not intended to be an exclusive listing of all things potentially harmful for your dog, but a few common things you’ll want to avoid.
Tag Archives | Vets
Puppy Teething
Once your puppy begins the teething process, you’ll notice that everything in his/her reach is fair game for “gumming”, chewing and gnawing…How can you help him and save your things?
National Dog Day
On August 26th every year many dog owners and dog lovers celebrate dogs….man’s (and woman’s) best friend. Did you even now there was such a holiday?
Sick Dogs and Vets
Although you have taken your dog to the vet for her annual exams, you’ve kept her immunizations current and you’re diligent in feeding her the right foods, sometimes like you and I, your dog is going to get sick. Then what do you do? Do you wait and watch or do you take her to […]