Tag Archives | Dog Owner


Puppy Training Mistakes

Puppy training is a two-way process, both you and your pup are having a learning experience…although he/she is learning about what you expect of her…what behaviors you want, you’re both learning about each other. It’s a great time for bonding and building that special relationship that you can only have with your dog.

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Dog Owner Mistakes

Whether you are a first time dog owner or someone who has been surrounded by dogs all of your life, mistakes can be made that can affect your dog’s health, personality, your family’s relationship with your dog, and/or how well other people like your dog. Every year, so many dogs are returned to animal shelters, […]

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Winter Dog Walks

It’s wintertime and it’s cold outside, so before you head out the door to take Fido on his daily walk, you prepare yourself with coat, hat, gloves and possibly boots…and for your dog, you grab his leash! Is that really all he needs to be safe, warm and comfortable?

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Adopt a Dog

Bringing home a newly adopted dog is a pretty exciting event for most families. But there is more to a successful homecoming than just walking through the front door. Consider how overwhelming it might be for your new best friend…the new faces, the new smells, the new sounds, the new house, in fact, the new […]

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Dogs Best Friend

Everyone talks about dogs being “man’s best friend”, but your dog needs a best friend too, and that best friend should be you! Your dog is, or can be, a wonderful companion, who will give you unconditional love, all you need to do is to build and strengthen your relationship and develop a close bond.

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