Tag Archives | Dog Agression


Dog Park Behavior

It’s a beautiful day in your neighborhood…you have always wanted to take Fido to the off leash dog park just down the street…today just might be the perfect day for it. But wait! Have you and your pup prepared to be in the company of several other off leash canines and their owners?

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Dog Size Matters - Pawsitive Steps Dog Training

Understand Dogs

Is it hard for you to understand if your dog’s play is aggressive or just playful? So, how do you monitor play? This goes regardless of anything: If you think someone is going to truly get hurt, interrupt them.

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Dogs Playing - Pawsitive Steps Dog Training

Dog Playing

Some dogs are truly a show off!!! Do you know what I mean? I see this in the play times during classes frequently. Some of the pups, Dancer included, cares more about you watching him play than the actual play.

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