Having a dog who gives you eye contact and pays attention to you is a real asset in training. In this exercise, the goal is extended eye contact.
Archive | Dogs
Solve Dog Training Problems
Sometimes it’s the pup, and sometimes it’s the human that just doesn’t quite “get it” when it comes to dog training. The key is to keep on trying with your dog until you get the behaviors you would like from him or her…the games will help you be successful.
Spay or Neuter
Why should you spay or neuter your dog? One of the main reasons is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, but there are many health related reasons also…
Tethering Your Dog
Tethering or leashing your dog or puppy can be a fundamental element for modifying behavior and solving problems…it is a good thing when done correctly…here’s how
Training Your Dog
So you have been working at home with your dog to perform a command or cue, and he/she is doing it perfectly…then when you want to show off your accomplishment at class, there is nothing to show off…Fido just sits there and looks at you with a blank look on his face. Has your training […]
Consequences For Your Dog
When we think of the word consequences, we often think of them in a negative way…ie. consequences are discipline for bad behavior. But in fact, consequences can be for good behavior also. A consequence is simply what results from any behavior, good or bad. There is a proper way to use consequences…